
GroundTruth System statistics

26 active lysimeters, total 119 m2 The GroundTruth lysimeter system has been quietly growing for several years. To date, 27 lysimeters have been installed, of which 26 are presently active. The active lysimeters have a total area of 119 m2 (equivalent area to almost 600 standard column lysimeters). On an area basis, Grounded is therefore actively measuring leaching from an area that rivals the leaching research facilities of the largest universities and CRIs in New Zealand.

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Smart Farming Award (runner up)

Grounded was the runner-up for the AgriMagic Smart Farming award at the South Island Agricultural Field Days this year, for the GroundTruth lysimeter system. We would like to thank the organisers and sponsors for this important recognition of the value of this product to New Zealand agriculture. We would also like to congratulate Halter Cow Collars for taking out the Smart Farming Award, with a product that takes ideas that have been discussed in research settings for many years and used on a smaller scale for research purposes, and implements these into a practical, useful and accessible tool for farmers.

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New website

Welcome to the new website for Grounded. Our old website was well out of date because it was a poor system to update, so updating it was never a high priority. This new site is intended to be much simpler, cleaner, and easier to keep current. Keep an eye on our blog, where we will be putting news and information about our products and services, as well as observations on current issues regarding NZ agriculture and the environment.

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